E-Learning Bingo!
Choose 4 things from the grid below to complete on E-Learning Days! If you can, try and make a bingo! Please email your teacher the activities that you chose to complete! :) 

Read a favorite story!

Bake something! Practice measuring and counting.

Go outside and shovel.

Count all of the rectangles in your house.

Practice writing numbers 0-31.

Look outside and draw a picture of 2 animals.


Read a story and talk about the characters.

Practice counting to 100 and beyond!

Count all of the circles in your house.

Clean your room!

Tell someone and draw a picture of what the weather looks like.

Practice writing your rainbow sight word list.

Write a short note to your teacher and bring it to school!

Practice counting to 50 or beyond.

Draw a picture and label it.

Go outside and build a snowman.