E-Learning Day Instructions



If school is closed due to inclement weather, R-P schools will have students participate in an
E-Learning Day to allow for our academic schedule to continue uninterrupted.  Guidelines for e-learning days are as follows:

  • MS/HS Teachers will have assignments loaded on Google Classroom by 9:00 AM

  • Assignments will be designed to take approximately 30 minutes per class

  • Teachers will be available until 3:15 via e-mail to answer questions based on assignments  

  • Accommodations will be made for students without sufficient access to the internet

  • Parents can call their students in absent on an e-learning day.  Upon return to school, the students would follow the school’s make-up policy to complete work missed on e-learning day.  

Here are the general guidelines for E-Learning Days in my classroom:
a.       Attendance will be taken in your Google Classroom by signing in to the Attendance Survey Form, when your assignment is turned in the next day, or by a call to your home on an E-Learning Day (for students without Internet access).

b.      Students without Internet access will be given materials to take home prior to a potential E-Learning Day.
Using these materials, they will be called between 8:25 - 10:00 AM and given instructions on how to complete their E-Learning Day assignment.